Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sustainable fish farming: A love story

Check out this fantastic TED talk by Dan Barber, foodie, scholar, and 2009 recipient of the James Beard Award for Outstanding chef.

As many of you know, we consider ourselves pescatarians-- we generally stick to a vegetarian diet but also will eat certain seafood, trying to ensure, though, that it is as sustainably harvested as possible. That last part, the finding "sustainably harvested" fish is becoming more and more of a challenge. As society's demand for fish has increased, we have depleted 90% of many of those great fish species we love to eat, tuna, salmon, etc. We have begun to do to oceans what we have done to forests; as Dan Barber points out in this talk, we're essentially clear-cutting our oceans. But in this TED talk, he shows one example of how one fish "farm"/bird sanctuary/water purification system has, not through amazing new technology, but rather by going back to eons old ecological principles, might be giving us some hope, not just for those of us who love our wild salmon, but also for all types of agriculture. It's a fantastic biology lesson wrapped up in a love story. I think you'll enjoy checking it out.

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