Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February Dinner on12th Ave.

Winter Tuscan Supper

At this time of the year I often get the travel bug. Maybe it's the long, rainy Portland winter that just keeps stretching on and on, or maybe it's my ancient Gypsy ancestors calling me to the open road, but whatever the case, I'm feeling the need for a change in scenery. However, since the practicalities of life do not lend themselves to gallivanting about the world right now, I've been trying to bring the world to my kitchen lately. So for this Dinner on 12th, I thought I would bring a little Tuscany to our table. Given that we are still trying to use mostly, if not all, local ingredients for these dinners, it's going to be a winter Tuscan meal; so sorry, no fantastic fresh fava beans or tomatoes-- it's rainy and cold in Tuscany right now too. But here is what I am tentatively planning for us on Friday:

Skillet Gnocchi with Chard* and Smokey Beans*
Farro and Borlotti Salad with Shaved Pecorino
Creamed Winter Greens*

* = locally grown

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