Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home carbonation setup

Do you drink carbonated water? We do. We go through about a liter a day. We figure that adds up to maybe $250 a year in carbonated water. Its also a lot of greenhouse gases burned, since each bottle of water travels hundreds, if not thousands of miles to reach our door. So we wanted a better solution. I searched for ways to carbonate our own beverages online, and all of the standard products cost about $.50 per liter, and that's after you pay $100-$200 for the product. Commercial units cost maybe $1500-$2000. All of that seemed like too much and also extraordinarily high for what was essentially putting carbon dioxide in water. So I sought out out a do-it-yourself unit and found that I could make a contraption that would work with only a few hours of work and less than $100 in parts.

Most of the folks who have attended Dinner on 12th have had some of our homemade carbonated water. We use a set up that consists of a 20 lb. CO2 tank, a regulator, some tube, and a plastic fitting. It took about 45 minutes to put together, and another two hours to do all the shopping. The CO2 tank supposedly carbonates about 1000 littres of water, making the price about five cents per liter. Below is a link that will walk you step-by-step through with the purchase, where you can get it, and how to put it together. If you end up doing this, let me know how it works out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grand Dinner, Wonderful Conversation, Bubbly Laughter, Fun all around!

Thank You Jenna and Jason for another Lovely "Dinner on 12th" Event. Your garden is looking beyond amazing! Wishing you both an abundance of fruits & veggies this season – including the Asparagus. ;-)

Your neighbor to the West